To improve the financial status and achieve the stability of the aid amulet of wangi on the luck and the money. Tips seer, easy to perform and require no special magical knowledge, the involvement of supernatural forces, which will then collect all acquired. Easy to make at home.

General recommendations
The lucky mascot and the money is a kind of mousetrap. It attracts positive energy and keeps. Collecting the money of a magnet, the attention of the naturalness of the materials. The ideal stone suitable for the horoscope, or a figure, corresponding to his year of birth, made of silver, gold or wood. A strong attraction exercised by the old coins.
The conspiracy read in the growing phase of the moon or the full moon. Tie it to the name of a specific person. Importantly, the reading of the conspiracy, to believe in its efficacy and to observe the rules of conduct with the money.
The lucky coin
Vanga offers to manufacture an amulet of the currency. Take the coin, the salt, the holy water. At night open the window. The water is then poured into a glass, install it on the window sill. The liquid mixed with salt, throw in it a coin. Start reading conspiracy:
"The house — a glass full, it is mine, not yours. As the salt water of the sea is rich in fish, and precious stones, therefore, my home is rich in money yes different benefits. Similar approaches, of the currency to the money draw. About don't tell anyone."
In the currency of thread of green color. Carry beneath the clothing at the neck. Periodically loaded mascot of the light of the moon.
The pin for good luck and protection
To save money, and luck, are necessary talismans. The pin of another's envy, and it saves and helps to attract the house wealth. Collect beautiful new pin wood metal: iron, gold, silver. Before you begin the ritual, read the prayer to the saint nikolay. The conspiracy to attract money, should be read in full on the moon:
"As the pin sharp stings, yes it hurts, because my enemy does not reach. She will bring me luck, the money you save, the wealth of the others ' eyes concealed. The well-being of my dependent on it".
Pin carry in a visible place. Changing clothes, they exceed the attribute. Periodically, don't forget to load the pin through the light of the moon and to clean under the jet of water accumulated in the negative energy. Vanga convinced that the amparo is able to bring good luck in all areas of life and to avoid evil.
Jinxed stone to attract the well-being of the
The money of the conspiracy wangi in the pan allows you to attract the well-being and that of faithful friends. He considered that without positive of people can't be happy and attract the life flows right energy. The ritual passed in the early morning: it is the right time to start a new life with a new worksheet.
You will need:
- the pelvis;
- the water;
- the bread;
- the little stone, suitable for the sign of the zodiac.

In the pelvis, pour in the water, in the inside of the bread put the stone and start on the floor with a whisper read:
"No matter what happens, do not go. With me is well spent in the home of grace. The wheat highly grows, the bread of many lunch-time. As the rain of dust dirt clean, and myself, washed them all away yes I'm going to start a new day, a friend, good in the house I'll take it."
From the edge of the bite for the piece as the stone hit him in the mouth. The bread is chewed, and the stone spit. Wash of the ice cold water. The bread that is shared among the members of the family. The grinding wheel give the little critters. The stone put in the wallet, always carry with them. He is and will be the amulet.
Luckily in the business
Tips wangi to attract luck in business with the exclusive apotropaic. This should be done on a new moon. Take the black bread, inside put a silver figure of a dog, put it under the moon that fell from the light. Begin to read:
"The merchant-reckless all in the trade of fruit set. He appealed to those buyers, fresh bread bakes. They have come running to the scent of steel exactly series, does not want to leave. Other antique shops will not. I only work, only my well taken".
This night it is no longer possible to speak. Go home and sleep. In the morning, when you open the eyes, eat a piece of bread, the rest of you take with you. They feed on birds, give a little piece of home near temple. The amulet of the take out, put in the neck, are not removed, even when they go to bathe in a period of 40 days.
Prosperity to the house
The money of the conspiracy in the well-being of the house of lee in the rising of the moon. In this case, the pet will be laurel dowel. For its implementation you need to:
- personally bread oven;
- a packet of salt;
- the bay leaf;
- the green of the leather rope of the matter.
When stemneet, sit in solitude at the table, lighting a candle in the church. In the bread to make a hole in it put the bay leaf with thread to the inside of the rope, sprinkle salt. Read the conspiracy:
"Grain of gold rising, solar energy ate. The bread he has turned out delicious, soft, I'm going to live in abundance. He with the salt, the richness of multiply. The money in the account always what I know. The bread with the salt of the here and now, in consequence, the money in the house always there".
The action that happen in the stomach. After reading eat a piece of bread with the salt, leaving no crumbs. Piece of eating, chewing carefully, with a lot of taste. Attract the money in the house, hanging from the kitchen spikelets of wheat. Laurel dowel in the string to put in the portfolio — that will be the mascot of the abundance.
The new wallet
By using the tips wangi, really multiply the wealth and dispose of them in the right way in order not to waste anything. The purchase of a new portfolio, choose the most spacious, comfortable. He must be beautiful. Submit to the castles, otherwise the money to flee. Wallet is a lucky charm, able to attract or repel the cash flows, in function of how to care for it.
Good is the portfolio purchase to the middle of the week, in the growing phase of the moon, in the new year's holiday. Choose a ticket of any denomination, in which the registration number, they symbolize the number of day of birth. The night before, before you purchase, talk of the coin:
"Spikelets all from a single grain to grow in a will I receive the money of others on the sea. Don't wander about at will. I home buy, all will gather. Each cell to highlight. The house of field, like a fortress, collects the money yes made in vain does not produce".

Talisman for success in work
To improve things at work, get more money, make jinxed amulet. Collect wooden figures, symbolizes sign of the Zodiac. In the afternoon, before receiving a salary read the conspiracy, the celebration of the figure of stick in the hand:
"(Name brand) me luck on the job will bring. A lot of money comes home quickly will bring. By the way no one to make the appointment, the enemy is not welcome. The wealth you save, shopping for the ignorant, it is essential. Fills the cup of kindness, I dared and joyful, wherever you go, always find the money."
The salary they bring home. Count money, put it in the same place. Spend the savings should only be 24 hours. Go shopping, write a list and say:
"Work with the mind, the purchase of the necessary in house. Not planned, not bought, money in reserve leave".
Your sign of the Zodiac it is worth to carry always with him: it now attracts the money. Exactly a year later repeated the ritual to increase the strength of charm.
Prayer for activation of apotropaic
With the help of the prayer really strengthen the effect apotropaic. The resource to nicholas worker of miracles help to improve the financial situation and avoid problems at work:
"My sincere prayer. In your grace I trust in you. Nicholas praise for his work the righteous. Show me my miracle, sincere and obedient I will. Comply with all the instructions, receive a moralist of them in a single step, I'm always on the money.
Prayer on the amulet read the floor with a whisper.
Return the financial well-being can, if the side of people who are able to get to the gain at a difficult time, and jinxed in the luck amulet from the seer wangi. Speaking of the mascot is like asking a success of the higher forces. To attract money is able to positively set up people. Eternally plaintive laments of people of your own rejection.